International Beaujolais Nouveau Day was on Thursday the 17th and today we have it in stock!
To honor this classic French red wine and its annual release here are some brief tidbits about the wine.
Ever year it’s released on the third Thursday of November (hence Beaujolais Nouveau Day on the 17th) and distributors are known to race to get it in as many stores around the world.
It’s only fermented for a few weeks before being bottled and sold (the French call it vin de primeur which means “early wines”).

To celebrate Beaujolais Nouveau Day, we’re honored to be able to offer Georges Duboeuf, the undisputed king of Beaujolais.
Beaujolais Nouveau is a staple on many Thanksgiving tables all over the country. It pairs wonderfully with everything on a traditional Thanksgiving menu.
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